Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Pandora Jewelry

Pandora Jewelry Jewelry is a global brand based in Denmark. Although the company is most often recognized for its customizable charm bracelets, which also

offers complementary lines of jewelry such as Tiffany Necklaces, earrings and necklaces.

In Greek mythology, Pandora, the first woman. When Prometheus was the fire from heaven and gave it to mortals, Zeus decided to oppose this blessing and

Hephaestus responsible fashion a woman out SAAS gods gave their choicest gifts. After marrying the brother of Prometheus, Pandora opened a jar containing all

kinds of misery and evil, who escaped and fled the Tiffany Sets field. In one version, only

hope remained inside, the lid having been executed before he could flee. This is one of many the importance of Pandora. Creator probably got this name for

their product, which is now known as Pandora jewelry.

It 'was in 1982, Pandora was created when a store of gold in jewelry P. Enevoldsen and his wife's modest N?rrebrogade Copenhagen, Denmark. Often he traveled

to Thailand to look for imports of precious Tiffany Bracelets, and the demand for its

products increases, the company began to focus on wholesale.

Then, in 1987, after several years of success as a wholesaler, the company closed its retail operation and moved to larger premises. Few years, wholesalers,

Winnie and Per inspired to open his own factory in Thailand. This was done as a means to ensure, inter alia, to monitor their own models. Lone Frandsen was

hired as a designer and the company Tiffany Pendants began to focus on creating unique

jewelry. In 1996, Lisbeth Larsen, goldsmith and designer, and along with Lone Society has played a key role in determining the style of Pandora Jewelry.

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